Friday, March 8, 2013
This week I finished my friend Deana Howell's illustration. This is what she wanted obviously. Took a little faster because I didn't have to do shading colors. I tried to make the image look as much Dr. Seuss as I could, but still have my own hand in it. Pretty fun. I don't know if I learned much this time though. Doing the outlines was the most frustrating for me this time around.
Well I really don't have much else to tell you. Enjoy.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Another cat picture, but for someone else. Do people want cat pictures to put on the internet and that's why I'm drawing cat pictures? Anyways, the request was for a cat with a cowboy hat fighting a dinosaur in space. Did I get it? Well I tried to apply some principles I kinda learned from my last picture. Well, I still kinda did not apply those, but this image still looks awesome I think. My personal favorite part is the beam and blast. I didn't think I could do it so well. Well I think this is awesome.
Also because the back is black I put a white outline around everything. Makes it look like stickers on a board. better yet it looks like color forms? Does anybody remember those? Reusable stickers on a fold up board. My siblings and I would lick them to get them wet. These days I have second thoughts about licking things someone else has licked.
Cool stuff huh? Well on to the next picture.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
It's finally here!!!
So no original artwork by me this time and I know I just posted a post... heh! But I just to share the image of the new art book I got. I'm so much of a Legend of Zelda fan I had to get this art book when I found out it was being translated from Japanese to English. Notice how I didn't say translated from it's original text. This book is also a history book and must've first been translated to Japanese from Hylian and then translated to English. This book has much concept art for almost all the Zelda games. No better book to get for an artist and a fan of Zelda than this one. I know I kinda said that already, but I don't care.
Getting this book with it's history content is gonna help me do my fanfic of the original Legend of Zelda story. I always dreaded the word fanfic because it just sounded weird. However, I've wanted to make a webcomic of the first Legend of Zelda game. The first Legend of Zelda had very little story telling that it has so much room for imagination. I have started by only grabbing some material. By that I mean I played the game and took notes and drew doodles while playing. That was the most boring experience I've ever had playing that game. I now have to start writing detailed chapters to draw. After thinking about this project I realized that this idea is a fanfic. I'll still do it eventually.
With all the few projects people have asked me to do I don't know if I have much time to do this. Maybe I can work on this as warm up. But then it might not be as good as I'd like. We'll see.
That's all. Stay tuned here for more goodness from me.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
1. I need to keep panning out to look at the whole picture even if I'm working on one part of the picture so I can make sure everything goes together well.
2. Doing the previous I will do better lighting so everything looks natural
3. Do it in perspective so it doesn't look flat geez
So those are the things I learned doing this picture. This was done for a friend of mine. He's helping me keep the flow going with my art. Well that's all. I know I didn't say much but I said something.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Picture blow out.
Blog post!!!!!!!! It has been a very long time since my last blog post. I remember the last time I wrote here I was complaining about a specific picture I was drawing. Well that on has long since been finished. And here it (they) are!

These are two transformers ... Well actually one. Two drawings of the same transformer character that My friend's wife imagined. This really was the hardest for me to come up with design wise. But the reward paid off. I learned, for the most part, how to make cartoon like shiny metal! :)
The next picture I did for some one at church. I just had a little problem creating the right poses and look.
Other exciting news. Well maybe. Set up a twitter account. I read somewhere two years ago it's a great tool for freelancing. So I'm trying it out finally. So far all I've put to follow. Wow that doesn't make since but oh well. Are video game companies and some popular artists. As in illustrators.
I'm now working on a picture for my bro (other mother) Alex. I'll be sure to throw that up after I'm done with it.