Thursday, November 8, 2012

Bloggin it

So a few days ago Adriana told reminded me that I haven't written on my blog for quite some time and I thought ",that's right!"  So here I am writing on my blog again about random stuff.

Sense this is a  blog about me being an artist let's start with the drawing that I am currently working on.  Which I should be working on instead of writing on this blog...  :)  I currently working on a drawing for  a bro right now. Not bro bro, just a  bruh.  It's been a real challenge for me right now because it's the first time I've drawn anything like this and for some reason I won't accept anything less than perfection.  Which really doesn't happen in the first place with my drawings.  If this bruh is reading this, which is possible, just know that I am pulling out what little hair I have left trying to do this right.  But I'm not giving up!  Oh NO!!!!  Not me!!!  The deadline for this is still the 11th and I'll try to get it done before then or by then.  Even if I don't clean my house until I'm finished.  Okay I can't promise that.

I can't play video games because of this project.  I'm disciplining myself extra hard to not play any video games until this is done.  However I can't promise that either.  But I want to play so much because there's so many games that I'm in the middle of that I want to play through.

Spencer and Adriana also need my attention.  Adriana has been very good about letting me work on the drawing lately and supportive as well.  She also knows it won't take forever and that I've promised to have it done soon.  Spencer just wants me to say what's up to him at random times.  He usually likes to go play on his own.  Grazing around in the family room, or whatever room Adriana and/or myself happen to be in.

Nothing really new to show you all this time for drawings.  I can re-post the Link color matching I put on the facebooks not too long ago.  Yeah I'll do that.  Here it is!

So which one looks best to you if you look at it again.  Comment and stuff.  Bye!!!!

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