Thursday, November 8, 2012

Bloggin it

So a few days ago Adriana told reminded me that I haven't written on my blog for quite some time and I thought ",that's right!"  So here I am writing on my blog again about random stuff.

Sense this is a  blog about me being an artist let's start with the drawing that I am currently working on.  Which I should be working on instead of writing on this blog...  :)  I currently working on a drawing for  a bro right now. Not bro bro, just a  bruh.  It's been a real challenge for me right now because it's the first time I've drawn anything like this and for some reason I won't accept anything less than perfection.  Which really doesn't happen in the first place with my drawings.  If this bruh is reading this, which is possible, just know that I am pulling out what little hair I have left trying to do this right.  But I'm not giving up!  Oh NO!!!!  Not me!!!  The deadline for this is still the 11th and I'll try to get it done before then or by then.  Even if I don't clean my house until I'm finished.  Okay I can't promise that.

I can't play video games because of this project.  I'm disciplining myself extra hard to not play any video games until this is done.  However I can't promise that either.  But I want to play so much because there's so many games that I'm in the middle of that I want to play through.

Spencer and Adriana also need my attention.  Adriana has been very good about letting me work on the drawing lately and supportive as well.  She also knows it won't take forever and that I've promised to have it done soon.  Spencer just wants me to say what's up to him at random times.  He usually likes to go play on his own.  Grazing around in the family room, or whatever room Adriana and/or myself happen to be in.

Nothing really new to show you all this time for drawings.  I can re-post the Link color matching I put on the facebooks not too long ago.  Yeah I'll do that.  Here it is!

So which one looks best to you if you look at it again.  Comment and stuff.  Bye!!!!

Monday, July 16, 2012

So a quick re upload.  I realized I didn't have the brown haired boys hair all pizzazed.  So here you go.
Well I got a lot of coloring done while I was on vacation this last week.  If you've read my wonderful Wife's post we were in Pahrump Nevada...  Which has nothing there.  Anyways I colored these two and some characters that can be viewed on my deviantart page at  These two took forever to color.
    The Bear one below I had sketched in a small sketchbook at work a long time ago.  I had semi inked it and put down the base colors awhile ago too but to give it that extra flare I was confused on how to do it.  Recently I learned how to do some certain lighting and shading with Photoshop as demonstrated with the boy fighting the dragon on the cliff I posted a while ago.  So I decided to try and do that for this one.  When I was finished with that, however I didn't feel the colors were intense enough.  Enter the magic of Photoshop adjustment layers.  I forget which one I used off the top of my head, but I'm satisfied.  I hope you all enjoy it.

Now this second picture is the first real attempt at a digital painting.  Yes, I still have some lots room for improvement.  Also used some Photoshop with some normal coloring.  Illustrator was not used for this project here.  I did sketch out a line drawing in my sketch pad first.  After the sketch I thought it would be fun to try a digital painting.  I hope you all like it.

Now I'm working on my fandom by finally doing a complete Legend of Zelda picture.  The techs for this upcoming picture with be different.  Hopefully I'll have it done and up soon for you all to see, because this week is gonna be busy!!!  See ya!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

What?! No picture yet?!  Sorry but I haven't finished anything lately.  I've but drawing a little here and a little there and coloring various things that I have stored on my computer that I've told myself that I want to color.
So when can we expect another picture on this here blog?  Well who knows.  It could be later tonight or a couple weeks from now.

Having a full time job makes it hard to create art all the time.  Especially if I'm playing video games too and making dinner and playing with my son and loving my wife.

Just Sharing

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Okay so I missed something in the first one.  The shading on the tan part of the boy's boots.  Now they look right.
What?  It's been over two months!!!  Yeah we just got the internet and it's HOT!!!  I also just recently finished a picture.  Took me forever.  I've got to be the slowest artist I know.  Tried some new things with this one so check it out.

Isn't it pretty.  I had fun with it though once I got to the shading and lighting stage.  I dare say I will color like this again...  Someday.

It took me forever to get a picture up because I've been spending most of my time playing the video games.  I'm borrowing Xenoblade Chronicles from my brother and it is HOT also.  I've played only about 20 hours which I hear is a small fraction of the grand scheme.  Sweet enjoy the picture.  If you like it.  Tell me and maybe I'll draw one for you.  If you're lucky.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Well for this week because I haven't drawn anything amahzing, I decided to post some photos I took of some tile in my bathroom for fun.  I'm not just doing this because I love the bathroom, but so you can see the pictures in the tile.  Ah!!!  Pictures of pictures.

Here we have a mousy.  Can you see it?

Here I saw a dragon.

And here is an Ogre.

Just some fun for this week.

This week has been a bit busy with work starting and ending later, and when I get home from work I just want to play video games all the time.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Another picture I drew of course being an artist blog and all.  My mother wanted me to sketch out a friend of hers so she can give it to her for his birthday.  Does that make since.  Took quite a long time.  I'm pretty pleased with it, but it took for ever.  Means I have to practice a lot more to get things like this done faster.

Here's the original photo.  Yeah it's that older gentlemen right there.  I didn't draw anyone in the background.

And here's the drawing.  Yeah it doesn't look the exact same but I'm no portrait artist either.  I had fun though.

Since I'm here I decided to color the sketch I did for the missionary in photoshop.  Still looks sketchy but I like that some times.  There is still a lot of coloring left to do on it too so you may see the finished product.  Nothing too fancy here.  Just doing this for fun.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Finally here's another POST!!!!

I Know it isn't art done by pencils or photoshop and it isn't fine photography but here is my little boy born yesterday and to many there first baby is art itself.  Since then he's been doing real well for a new guy.  Born right on his due date.  He's got a temper which Adriana says comes from me.  The little guy is Spencer and he's great.

However because I haven't posted anything for a long time and I just started this blog I'll put down a pencil drawing I did for a Missionary
He gave me a picture of a guy like this and asked me to sketch out my version.  So I did and this is what we got.  It's all cool, but I totally screwed up on the depth and the background looks closer than its really supposed to be.  But yeah.  This is all done with mechanical pencil.  I will try and color it in photoshop eventually.  
  Killer stuff huh?

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Well I'm finally getting around to getting a blog started to share my artwork for the rest of the world that isn't on deviantart.  I've read that creating a blog for such a task is a wonderful idea for marketing myself and my work.  While I have much to improve upon I still want to become somewhat well known.

Well that's my mission or goal or whatever you want to call it.  Just wanted to start something like this and I'm too much of a procrastinator so I'm finally doing it.  Well just so you know that I do art and stuff here's a picture for you to enjoy.  A picture I drew for my little boy who's coming very soon.  We, my wife and I, wanted to do knights and dragons for him, and this is one of the drawings I got.