Saturday, March 12, 2016

After years of not doing much art and putting things on this blog, I have finally returned, and yet with another commission.  More on that in a little bit, but for now I am happy to announce that I have recently graduated with a Bachelor's in Arts in Game Design.  While I love art and drawing from time to time, I am primarily a gamer.  Always have been.  In fact, it is through gaming that I picked up a pencil and started to draw more and more.
   Currently I am working as a designer/artist for a game called Mirrored.  I won't go into details about the game, but you can look at the company's site to find information on the game right here.  It's not a job, but more of an internship type thing.  The game is being developed by students at the university I went to, The University of Advancing Technology.
    I have had the opportunity to design some enemies with their behaviors, which others are programming and creating in-game visuals for right now.  It's very exciting to work.  Another task that I'm doing right now is making hands for giant hand enemy.  I am constructing the sprites for these guys and let me say that it is the most intimidating assignment I have had.  Hands are hard to draw, and I will have to animate them later.  Here's what I have so far.

While these may look good to start from, they are very hard.  Also I plan on changing the position.  Something more dynamic and aggressive like the Wall-Master enemies from the Legend of Zelda series.
Image found on The Spriter's Resource

Hands are all curved for these enemies on all the Zelda games.  I feel it would be easier in the end to make an art asset from this.

After this game, I'm telling people that I'm only going to do game designs.  No art asset creation.  I just don't have the drive for that.  However, maybe I'm just going to naturally enjoy it later on.  So maybe I'll continue.  I don't know.

On to the commission!  Just after I graduated, a friend of my wife was wanting a cover image for a family YouTube channel.  Their channel is called Life's Lemonade, and if you click here, you can visit them right now.  It is a young channel, so they don't have much yet, but it seems they are working diligently to make a presence.  I was asked to make little simple images of each of their family members so I came up with this.
Naturally, such a simple drawing did not take too long, but I felt it was well done.  I enjoyed doing these simple drawings.

Now for some news.  I do not know how much new stuff I will be uploading here, but blogging is something I hope to do more to make myself more well-known.  Even though I shared what game developing stuff I have done in this post, I am not doing to start a new blog for talking about my game development work.  I also will probably share a lot of opinions about games in general, since part of game design is understanding the market and what's out there.  I may some game stuff here, but it will probably be related to the art that I have done.  More on what the blog's name will be and where it is later.  I haven't started it yet.

Here is a picture of my diploma just for fun...

Friday, March 8, 2013

This week I finished my friend Deana Howell's illustration.  This is what she wanted obviously.  Took a little faster because I didn't have to do shading colors.  I tried to make the image look as much Dr. Seuss as I could, but still have my own hand in it.  Pretty fun.  I don't know if I learned much this time though.  Doing the outlines was the most frustrating for me this time around.

Well I really don't have much else to tell you. Enjoy.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Another cat picture, but for someone else.  Do people want cat pictures to put on the internet and that's why I'm drawing cat pictures? Anyways, the request was for a cat with a cowboy hat fighting a dinosaur in space.  Did I get it? Well I tried to apply some principles I kinda learned from my last picture.  Well, I still kinda did not apply those, but this image still looks awesome I think.  My personal favorite part is the beam and blast.  I didn't think I could do it so well.  Well I think this is awesome.

Also because the back is black I put a white outline around everything.  Makes it look like stickers on a board. better yet it looks like color forms? Does anybody remember those?  Reusable stickers on a fold up board.  My siblings and I would lick them to get them wet.  These days I have second thoughts about licking things someone else has licked.

Cool stuff huh? Well on to the next picture.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

It's finally here!!!

So no original artwork by me this time and I know I just posted  a post... heh! But I just to share the image of the new art book I got. I'm so much of a Legend of Zelda fan I had to get this art book when I found out it was being translated from Japanese to English. Notice how I didn't say translated from it's original text. This book is also a history book and must've first been translated to Japanese from Hylian and then translated to English. This book has much concept art for almost all the Zelda games. No better book to get for an artist and a fan of Zelda than this one.  I know I kinda said that already, but I don't care.
    Getting this book with it's history content is gonna help me do my fanfic of the original Legend of Zelda story. I always dreaded the word fanfic because it just sounded weird. However, I've wanted to make a webcomic of the first Legend of Zelda game. The first Legend of Zelda had very little story telling that it has so much room for imagination. I have started by only grabbing some material. By that I mean I played the game and took notes and drew doodles while playing. That was the most boring experience I've ever had playing that game. I now have to start writing detailed chapters to draw. After thinking about this project I realized that this idea is a fanfic. I'll still do it eventually.
      With all the few projects people have asked me to do I don't know if I have much time to do this. Maybe I can work on this as warm up. But then it might not be as good as I'd like. We'll see.
     That's all. Stay tuned here for more goodness from me.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

  So finally finished another picture so It's finally time for a new blog post.  Truth be told, I was gonna start post another blog post earlier but I never got around to it.  So here's a new picture.
   I learned a few things after, and while doing, this picture.
1.  I need to keep panning out to look at the whole picture even if I'm working on one part of the picture so I can make sure everything goes together well.
2.  Doing the previous I will do better lighting so everything looks natural
3.  Do it in perspective so it doesn't look flat geez

So those are the things I learned doing this picture.  This was done for a friend of mine.  He's helping me keep the flow going with my art.  Well that's all.  I know I didn't say much but I said something.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Picture blow out.

Blog post!!!!!!!!  It has been a very long time since my last blog post.  I remember the last time I wrote here I was complaining about a specific picture I was drawing.  Well that on has long since been finished.  And here it (they) are!

These are two transformers ... Well actually one. Two drawings of the same transformer character that My friend's wife imagined.  This really was the hardest for me to come up with design wise.  But the reward paid off.  I learned, for the most part, how to make cartoon like shiny metal!   :)

The next picture I did for some one at church.  I just had a little problem creating the right poses and look.
But I got them.  This guy is a second grade teacher and wanted some ninjas to put on his wall next to a chart.  Did I overdue it?  Probably considering that he's just going to project them on the wall to trace with paint or something.  That actually is probably the cheapest way to do it.   Maybe.

The next and last picture for today is a Christmas present.  I'm happy he liked it because I worked on it for a week.  Got it done in a week at least I'd probably say it's the most detailed picture of the three too.  This one I didn't spend forever in the design phase.
Yeah Yeah the crop marks are still there.  I didn't want to really edit this for this post.  This one was also good for me educationally.  I mean as far as learning more tools for the program.

Other exciting news.  Well maybe.  Set up a twitter account.  I read somewhere two years ago it's a great tool for freelancing.  So I'm trying it out finally.  So far all I've put to follow.  Wow that doesn't make since but oh well.  Are video game companies and some popular artists.  As in illustrators.

I'm now working on a picture for my bro (other mother) Alex.  I'll be sure to throw that up after I'm done with it.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Bloggin it

So a few days ago Adriana told reminded me that I haven't written on my blog for quite some time and I thought ",that's right!"  So here I am writing on my blog again about random stuff.

Sense this is a  blog about me being an artist let's start with the drawing that I am currently working on.  Which I should be working on instead of writing on this blog...  :)  I currently working on a drawing for  a bro right now. Not bro bro, just a  bruh.  It's been a real challenge for me right now because it's the first time I've drawn anything like this and for some reason I won't accept anything less than perfection.  Which really doesn't happen in the first place with my drawings.  If this bruh is reading this, which is possible, just know that I am pulling out what little hair I have left trying to do this right.  But I'm not giving up!  Oh NO!!!!  Not me!!!  The deadline for this is still the 11th and I'll try to get it done before then or by then.  Even if I don't clean my house until I'm finished.  Okay I can't promise that.

I can't play video games because of this project.  I'm disciplining myself extra hard to not play any video games until this is done.  However I can't promise that either.  But I want to play so much because there's so many games that I'm in the middle of that I want to play through.

Spencer and Adriana also need my attention.  Adriana has been very good about letting me work on the drawing lately and supportive as well.  She also knows it won't take forever and that I've promised to have it done soon.  Spencer just wants me to say what's up to him at random times.  He usually likes to go play on his own.  Grazing around in the family room, or whatever room Adriana and/or myself happen to be in.

Nothing really new to show you all this time for drawings.  I can re-post the Link color matching I put on the facebooks not too long ago.  Yeah I'll do that.  Here it is!

So which one looks best to you if you look at it again.  Comment and stuff.  Bye!!!!