Saturday, March 31, 2012

Another picture I drew of course being an artist blog and all.  My mother wanted me to sketch out a friend of hers so she can give it to her for his birthday.  Does that make since.  Took quite a long time.  I'm pretty pleased with it, but it took for ever.  Means I have to practice a lot more to get things like this done faster.

Here's the original photo.  Yeah it's that older gentlemen right there.  I didn't draw anyone in the background.

And here's the drawing.  Yeah it doesn't look the exact same but I'm no portrait artist either.  I had fun though.

Since I'm here I decided to color the sketch I did for the missionary in photoshop.  Still looks sketchy but I like that some times.  There is still a lot of coloring left to do on it too so you may see the finished product.  Nothing too fancy here.  Just doing this for fun.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Finally here's another POST!!!!

I Know it isn't art done by pencils or photoshop and it isn't fine photography but here is my little boy born yesterday and to many there first baby is art itself.  Since then he's been doing real well for a new guy.  Born right on his due date.  He's got a temper which Adriana says comes from me.  The little guy is Spencer and he's great.

However because I haven't posted anything for a long time and I just started this blog I'll put down a pencil drawing I did for a Missionary
He gave me a picture of a guy like this and asked me to sketch out my version.  So I did and this is what we got.  It's all cool, but I totally screwed up on the depth and the background looks closer than its really supposed to be.  But yeah.  This is all done with mechanical pencil.  I will try and color it in photoshop eventually.  
  Killer stuff huh?